2025/03/04 17:35:57
2025/03/04 16:30:22
SourceForge.net: Project Info - JBoss.org
2025/03/04 16:09:52
2025/03/04 15:15:12
Jaxor | Model Driven Persistence
2025/03/04 15:00:30
JORAM - Home Page
2025/03/04 14:28:16
2025/03/04 05:23:27
XUI - Home page
2025/03/04 00:55:10
2025/03/02 23:58:09
2025/03/02 01:44:30
Web3D Consortium: Creating Open Standards for Communicating 3D
2025/03/01 22:54:20
MSDN / TechNet ブログ
2025/03/01 22:41:45
community.java.net - Java Games
2025/03/01 16:17:29
Jim Cordy Publications
2025/03/01 11:20:15
Artima Weblogs
2025/02/28 16:00:48
2025/02/28 06:09:04
Simon Peyton Jones: papers
2025/02/27 22:13:03
Computer Science: Recent publications by Alex Freitas
2025/02/27 20:50:19
Java Developer Center
2025/02/27 09:30:17
The Middleware Architecture Series
2025/02/23 23:25:35
The MultiJava Project
2025/02/23 09:36:14
TJDO Project Page
2025/02/20 18:15:20
Publica鋏es / Publications (Jo縊 M. Fernandes)
2025/02/17 04:27:55
Eclipse Technology Projects - Concern Manipulation Environment
2025/02/15 19:04:19
GKs Publications
2025/02/13 21:17:27
Daniel Lohmann
2025/02/13 15:36:04
Elisa Baniassad
2025/01/28 09:56:00
Michael Ernst’s publications
2025/01/25 16:51:07
PicoContainer - Introduction
2025/01/10 18:21:47
Marco Dorigo Web Site
2025/01/07 14:16:20
no title
2025/01/03 19:34:10
The Artima Developer Community
2025/01/02 17:17:31
Tal Cohen’s CV
2024/12/08 13:35:19
2024/12/05 11:37:52
WSTL Studio - Overview
2024/11/21 20:13:42
Xin Yao’s Publications
2024/11/04 23:37:54
IBM Systems Journal
2024/09/01 06:07:57
Tom Mens
2024/08/17 21:08:19
LAMP: Publications
2024/07/22 04:39:57
2024/07/03 19:42:14
Dr. Christian Heinlein
2024/03/13 06:45:59
2024/01/05 11:01:21
2023/10/26 16:42:10
JSF Central - Your JavaServer Faces Community - News
2023/10/11 01:38:26
Weave.NET: Language-Independent Aspect-Oriented Programming
2023/09/19 00:14:09
Simon Brown’s weblog
2023/08/03 01:52:04
References for 2005
2023/07/29 14:31:22
The Home Page of JGraph
2023/05/26 04:55:01
Christian Igel, Publications
2023/05/06 11:08:56
JudoScript Download
2023/04/28 11:05:40
Technical Papers from the Software Evolution Group
2023/03/01 09:19:32
2023/02/24 20:05:34
Otaku, Cedric’s weblog
2023/01/13 06:23:10
Pierre Crescenzo : publications
2022/11/15 20:41:28
x180: james duncan davidson
2022/10/03 12:45:37
ANTLR Parser Generator and Translator Generator Home Page
2022/06/01 01:01:50
The Apache Portals Site - Apache Portals
2022/05/17 05:10:11
OpenRM - News Page
2022/03/18 20:33:03
Rob Tibshirani publications
2022/01/05 10:55:02
Marianne Huchard, Home Page
2021/12/17 01:27:08
Aspect-Oriented Software Engineering at Lancaster Publications
2021/10/08 23:32:19
Publications of Olaf Spinczyk
2021/10/05 19:08:38
Raphael Montelatici
2021/09/26 20:58:36
The Runabout
2021/09/21 18:26:34
Publications on Boosting Methods
2021/09/18 04:33:45
no title
2021/09/16 12:18:55
PriDE: PRImitive Database Environment - Welcome
2021/08/10 19:06:26
JiBX: News and Status
2021/07/27 16:19:41
Exploration Through Example
2021/07/21 03:52:18
Stroustrup: Publications
2021/07/10 12:02:43
2021/07/03 13:33:30
Johan’s really cool and impressive Home Page
2021/06/26 23:15:31
ASM - Home Page
2021/06/15 09:39:47
Publications of the ABLE Group by Year
2021/05/18 04:19:33
Sable Research Group
2021/04/29 01:44:56
Nate Foster
2021/04/17 04:32:06
OpenJMS - OpenJMS
2021/03/13 19:27:24
Devlib Central
2021/02/24 00:24:04
Andrei Popovici
2021/02/23 21:58:23
Doug Janzen
2021/02/23 05:59:39
Liviu Panait - Publications
2021/01/23 14:53:22
Publications of Noury Bouraqadi
2021/01/16 08:22:39
Publications by Eric Eide
2020/12/29 19:09:42
2020/12/17 18:38:28
Canvas is a template generator b
2020/12/15 11:55:17
SableVM Free Java Virtual Machine Project
2020/09/12 14:03:59
H.- Arno Jacobsen’s List of Publications
2020/08/12 15:09:03
Blitz Project
2020/07/21 18:36:39
The Aspects Blog @ aspectprogrammer.org
2020/06/04 21:26:13
Apache Geronimo -
2020/05/30 16:24:34
Traits - Composable Units of Behavior
2020/05/12 21:11:12
2020/05/01 18:51:10
Prism Page
2020/04/19 00:43:37
Kanaputs Overview
2020/03/29 16:12:43
André van der Hoek’s Publications
2020/02/05 03:13:55
Software Reality
2019/12/18 14:38:02
Globus: Recent and Archived News About the Globus Alliance
2019/12/11 19:35:16
martinlippert.com - Publications
2019/12/05 04:10:42
GotW.ca Home Page
2019/11/28 16:03:31
2019/11/26 15:22:49
Adele Publications
2019/11/01 07:11:51
2019/10/02 07:14:53
PicoContainer - Blogs and Blog Entries
2019/06/06 17:53:19
Publications - Distributed Systems Research Group, Prague
2019/04/10 09:35:19
Programming Methodology Group publications by date
2019/01/17 09:41:26
Apache Excalibur - About
2019/01/01 12:26:44
Exercises in Game AI Programming
2018/12/26 12:39:08
UWYN’s blog
2018/12/26 03:33:28
JaxMe News
2018/12/04 07:37:02
Publications Axel Rauschmayer
2018/08/10 18:54:58
Software Systems Dept.: Research
2018/06/30 22:59:59
Ernesto Costa Research
2018/06/27 19:16:49
DbUnit - About DbUnit and News
2018/06/23 03:49:27
The Flux Research Group: Publications
2018/05/26 18:06:17
Ken’s Home Page
2018/05/24 14:10:07
Welcome to Yu David Liu’s Home
2018/04/24 05:55:51
PELAB: List of publications
2018/04/23 21:27:23
Abstracts of Uwe Assmann’s papers
2018/04/04 07:59:41
[Publications] Evolutionary and Complex Systems Group
2018/03/08 03:50:09
CoCompose: a Concept-Based Approach to Software Design
2018/01/21 15:18:09
Publication List
2018/01/08 10:50:46
IKS Research Group - Publications
2018/01/04 16:06:19
no title
2018/01/03 18:11:24
Kasper’s CV
2018/01/03 15:22:00
Publications Page
2018/01/03 15:08:05
Jordi Alvarez papers
2018/01/02 23:37:23
Programming Tools Group - Projects - Nate
2017/12/29 19:06:57
In Relation To...
2017/08/22 23:05:33
QDox : Quick JavaDoc Scanner - QDox
2017/08/22 02:11:43
codehaus Index of /
2017/06/18 22:47:20
Hillside.net - News
2017/06/04 17:34:30
The Castor Project
2017/04/22 06:54:53
BBN Distributed Systems Papers and Presentations
2017/04/01 00:36:19
javacc: JavaCC Home
2017/02/25 10:55:44
Jess, the Expert System Shell for the Java Platform
2016/10/15 03:39:19
dynaop: Home
2016/09/22 22:21:58
Kasper B. Graversen
2016/05/23 15:14:35
Tim Rowley
2016/02/16 10:30:45
Kim Bruce’s recent papers
2015/11/17 14:18:30
Mike Clark’s Weblog
2015/11/05 15:54:36
AspectWerkz - Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Programming for Java - Overview
2015/11/05 12:52:38
RecentChanges - PicoContainer Wiki
2015/09/24 09:44:50
Steven Gustafson Publications
2015/01/02 22:25:57
Publication list
2014/10/23 06:09:29
Justinian Rosca Publications
2014/09/07 14:38:36
Erik Ernst
2014/06/20 10:33:21
Tim Sheard’s home page
2014/06/19 11:51:10
PacSoft publications
2014/03/22 23:00:35
Publications of year 2005
2013/11/04 11:35:23
CWI Report(s) of: Software Engineering (SEN)(2004)
2013/10/28 20:53:05
Lasagne/J Home Page
2013/09/29 19:56:15
Eric Van Wyk - Publications
2013/09/20 06:08:58
LSMR: Laboratory for Software Modification Research » Publications and Theses
2013/03/08 12:59:36
no title
2013/03/04 19:08:56
Network & NT Research Team - Webxygen
2012/11/01 23:30:32
Frank Carver’s weblog
2012/10/08 09:23:44
WebServices.Org - The Web Services Industry Portal -
2012/07/26 10:37:46
Nanning :: start
2012/03/04 01:31:44
Eric Wohlstadter: Papers
2012/02/20 01:15:47
Design Patterns in AOP - Jan Hannemann 2002+
2012/01/29 17:14:22
Eclipse plugins : hi! Find your plugin for Eclipse here.
2011/05/31 08:08:20
2011/05/04 05:26:37
2011/01/19 03:32:12
David Montana’s Home Page
2010/12/18 08:30:45
WebHaNT Artificial Ants
2010/08/13 23:19:38
The Khronos Group: OpenML and OpenGL ES dynamic media APIs
2010/04/07 19:28:45
Publications of Prof. Andrew P. Black
2010/01/05 23:54:55
System and Software Engineering Lab (SSEL)
2009/10/28 07:47:42
Artificial Immune Systems
2009/09/18 14:22:21
2009/07/25 19:27:16
Suresh Jagannathan’s Home Page
2009/07/06 14:49:40
Metaheuristic Network project
2009/04/27 00:52:19
All publications at PROG
2009/04/24 03:14:00
[rhi] Papers
2009/04/18 05:14:36
HiveMind - Introduction to HiveMind
2009/04/12 09:44:35
www.grammatical-evolution.org -- Grammatical Evolution Workshop (GEWS)
2009/01/20 14:30:42
Miguel Pessoa Monteiro
2008/09/28 23:22:53
ArchJava : Home
2008/07/25 01:54:54
Johannes Henkel
2008/06/10 07:21:31
HiveMind - Introduction to HiveMind
2008/01/24 19:58:32
aspectprogrammer.org - News
2008/01/16 06:27:53
Project Home Page
2007/10/11 08:55:32
Zbigniew J. Czech publications
2007/09/15 10:21:10
ADVICE: A Journal on Aspect Orientation
2007/05/25 17:52:42
Alejandra Garrido’s publications
2007/05/09 03:25:26
Angelo Corsaro Papers and More
2006/12/24 05:28:19
Publications of Stephan Herrmann
2006/07/25 09:33:49
Brian Goetz: Publications
2006/07/20 03:01:48
Emiliano Tramontana - Research Papers
2006/06/20 17:57:19
Matthias Zenger: Research
2006/03/10 15:22:58
Anikó Ekárt Publications
2006/01/19 15:17:40
Lambda the Ultimate
2005/09/10 21:07:59
Prof Faisal Akkawi
2005/01/20 16:53:59
ObjectWeb Forge: Welcome
2004/12/08 01:03:17
Maven - News and Status
2004/06/04 20:21:15
FrontPage - MockObjects
2004/06/01 19:16:15