▽ Radford Neal’s Home Page ●03/28 13:25 A new paper (March 2024) on Modifying Gibbs Sampling to Avoid Self Transitions.Information in this hierarchy was last updated 2024-03-27.
▽esrille ●03/01 02:12 Copyright 2010-2024 Esrille Inc.
▽Probabilistic Graphical Models ●01/06 04:21 Starts Jan 688,294 already enrolled3 Courses•92,250 learnersProbabilistic Graphical Models 2: InferenceCourseCStanford UniversityUniversity of California San DiegoComputational Thinking for K-12 Educators: Abstraction, Methods, and ListsAAM4Reviewed on Nov 3, 2018Overall very good quality content. PAs are useful but some questions/tests leave too much to interpretation and can be frus
▽Molina Journal Papers ●10/16 10:13 R. del Amor, J. P〓rez-Cano, M. L〓pez-P〓rez, L. Terradez, J. Aneiros-Fernandez, S. Morales, J. Mateos, R. Molina, and V. Naranjo, “Annotation Protocol and Crowdsourcing Multiple Instance Learning Classification of Skin Histological Images: the CR-AI4SkIN Dataset”, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2023. [BibTeX entry]
▽Molina Conference Papers ●10/16 09:42 S. Yang, F. P〓rez-Bueno, F.M. Castro-Mac〓as, R. Molina, and A. K. Katsaggelos, “Deep Bayesian Blind Color Deconvolution of Histological Images” in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), October 2023. [BibTeX entry][Abstract]