▽Java News (Javaに関する最新ニュース) ●02/25 23:26 ■015.004.008 [ EVENT ] 4月8日 Java Day Tokyo 2015 開催! http://www.oracle.co.jp/jdt2015/ [ BROWSER ] Firefoxのページめくりを加速さ-http://journal.mycom.co.jp/news/2010/02/02/007/index.html
▽The Source for Java Technology ●07/24 07:55 Join OTN’s Justin Kestylen and Alex Buckley, Oracle’s Spec Lead for the Java language and Java Virtual Machine, as they discuss the universal virtual machine and provide a preview of the upcoming JVM Language Summit.
▽安藤日記 ●02/25 16:33 安藤日記(andoh.orgへ移動します) [ RSS feed ][ ATOM feed ] [ Ajax blog ][ Google blog]