▽Jeremy Zawodny’s blog ●12/26 13:11 Jeremy Zawodny’s blog Random thoughts on technology, aviation, and life in general... February 25, 2010 I’m Blogging Elsewhere posted at 05:20 PM | link| bloglines| technorati I haven’t written much here recently. And that’s really due to a lot of reason, not the last of which is being busy and that we have a wonderful new kitten named Bear: The other issue is that I’ve becoming increasingly unhap
▽WebWord ●04/17 12:07 Webword Webword Home Contact About Juggernaut United 404 Page not found. Twitter Facebook Webword Home Contact About Terms of Service Privacy Policy Designed and Maintained by Black Mountain
▽Design Meltdown ●11/12 12:34 Design Meltdown RIP I started Design Meltdown in late 2005 and it served me well over these many years. But it would seem that nothing will match my passion and momentum I found in those first few years. It is with a heavy heart that I shut the site down. I would have left the site up in its last form but the hosting was expensive and Amazon changed the way you access your files on S3. I simply do