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▽Google SketchUp - Bonus Packs ●08/04 21:14 SketchUp is named the #1 architecture software program in the world, based on G2’s Grid〓 Report for Architecture, Summer 2022.SketchUp is named the #1 architecture software program in the world, based on G2’s Grid〓 Report for Architecture, Summer 2022.3D Basecamp: the best way to learn SketchUp. Register now!
▽dezain.net ●04/01 09:37 アイ・ウェイウェイがローマ国立博物館で展示した黒いムラーノガラスで骨や臓器が表現された巨大なシャンデリア (designboom)Ai Weiwei exhibits colossal glass sculpture of bones and viscera at Roman National Museum (designboom)2022-04-01– 1Ptがデザインしたチューブの中の色水を変えることで様々なパターンに変えることができるバッグ (Yanko Design)This weaved tubing bag can change its colors to create patterns and designs (Yanko Design)2022-04-01SHoP Architectsが設計したニューヨークの超高層ビル「111 west 57th」の外装が完成