▽SQLite ODBC Driver ●10/26 11:32 So far it has been tested with SQLite 2.8.17 and SQLite 3.43.2It was made with SQLite 2.8.17/3.43.2 and a MinGW crossIt was made with SQLite 3.43.2 and a MinGW crosssqliteodbc-0.99991.tar.gzsqliteodbc-0.99991-1.src.rpmsqliteodbc-0.9998.exesqliteodbc-0.9998.tar.gzLast update 2023-10-23
▽SQLite home page ●03/15 14:43 Search for:Frequently Asked QuestionsReport a BugSQLite is a self-contained, high-reliability, embedded, full-featured, public-domain,SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. More InfoLatest Release: Version 3.19.3 (2017-06-08). Download Prior ReleasesFrequently Asked QuestionsReport a BugSponsors