


欲しいものが何であれ、心に描き感じて下さい。出来る限り愛を注ぎ、出来る限り心地良い気持ちになれば、愛の力が作用して、愛する状況をあなたにもたらします (2017.01.25)
●05/01 18:06
RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor

今に生きれば、すべての情報があなたを求めて向こうからやってきます。 by バシャール
●05/01 15:27
RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor

ネガティブな感情はただ放っておけば良い (2017.03.07)
●05/01 14:02
RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor

●05/01 13:23
RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor

「義務」「犠牲」「我慢」の3Gから「LOVE(愛)」「THANKS(感謝)」「ENJOY(楽しむ・味わう)」のLTEへ。精神世界においても、「時代は、3GからLTE」へ。 雲黒斎著『もっと あの世に聞いた、この世の仕組み』より
●05/01 11:58
RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor

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(c) Hatena