▽日頃の行動があなたの願望と矛盾しないように最善を尽くし、欲しいものが既にあるように感じるために色々な小道具を使って下さい。これらは小道具や想像力を使ってできる簡単で些細なことですが、信じられない程パワフルなのです。 『ザ・パワー』 - ワクワク・バシャール ●05/01 05:35 RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor
▽みなさん、ひとりひとりが錬金術師なのです。存在する毎瞬々々がそうです。(略)「現実はこうあるべきだ」と思い込んで、自分の望まない現実を創り出す代わりに、自分の好きな現実を創ったらどうでしょう。 ●05/01 04:55 RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor
▽恐れることなく、自分の気持ちに正直に、「うれしい」「楽しい」「大好き」をアンテナとして、ゆったりと人生を楽しみなさい。そうすれば、想像を超えた形で、夢は叶う。 ●05/01 02:23 RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor
▽「義務・犠牲・我慢」のご褒美が「お金」だったので、「お金」に与えられた意味は「ストレスの対価」、苦労や我慢が認められた証。これからはそれが「LET」=「愛や感謝、喜びの証し」に入れ替わる。豊かさを楽しんで受け取り、喜んで分け与える時代の到来だ。 ●05/01 02:05 RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor
▽地球の人が一生懸命がんばるのは何のためか ●05/01 01:46 RelationshipsWaku 2 Bashar: 10 Mistakes that Most People MakeApr 23rdWhy Wedding Videography is Important for Your Big Day Planning a wedding event involves making plenty of decisions from selecting the perfect venue to picking the appropriate blossoms and the food selection. [url]Discover more[/url] about this link. Amongst these choices is whether to employ a specialist videographer to recor