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▽CY8CKIT - 010 PSoC速 CY8C55 Family Processor Module Kit - Cypress Semiconductor ●01/12 18:04 Evaluation Board Finder supports you to easily find the right evaluation board from Infineon. Just set up laboratory experiments or a first prototype with our evaluation boards, reference designs, Arduino shields or other design kits to evaluate our products. We provide diverse evaluation boards for different applications such as motor controls, lighting, power supplies, charging, RF and mobile ap
▽CY8CKIT - 009 PSoC® CY8C38 Family Processor Module Kit - Cypress Semiconductor ●01/11 21:54 Evaluation Board Finder supports you to easily find the right evaluation board from Infineon. Just set up laboratory experiments or a first prototype with our evaluation boards, reference designs, Arduino shields or other design kits to evaluate our products. We provide diverse evaluation boards for different applications such as motor controls, lighting, power supplies, charging, RF and mobile ap