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foobar2000 v2.24 has been released, for Windows and Mac OS.
This release changes the version numbering scheme, minor number for the intended release year.
While Windows version is mostly a
Therefore, each Virtual Cable acts as a "meeting point" or a
"logistics hub" for the applications.
Sähkösopimus opiskelijalle
libigloo Release 0.9.2
We are pleased to announce a new release of libigloo!
Improved performance of the string pool
Fixed reference counting in ro
Moved to librhash as backend for cryptographic hash
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midi-dump : midi (SMF) ファイルを読みやすくダンプするユーティリティ
Current Listeners:1
Peak Listeners:2
28 Jun 11: Extras Pack: **New Module** Midi Time Code
Now defunct.
The time has come for me to close oddsock.org. Back in 2000 I started this website in order to provide an outlet for me to contribute to a communitity of users (Internet Broadcasters) that was in dire