▽CppUnit ●08/21 06:30 Click here to get to the FrontPage.
▽About libferris ●08/08 23:04 This website has moved to www.libferris.com
▽ActionScript Hero ●07/21 15:50 Carlos Ulloa, John Grden and Ralph Hauwert by Papervision3D !! A high performance 3D engine for Flash 8 and Flash 9. Features linear texture mapping, optimized for rendering speed and quality. It has been designed to be simple and easy to use. Their blog has been added to ActionScript Hero Adventures! http://ariajardins.com/adventures http://ariajardins.com/blog/ AJT PUBLICIDADE http://www.ajtpubl
▽Welcome to virtualdub.org! - virtualdub.org ●06/01 15:12 ¶Blog replaced Hello, it’s been quite a long time. Needless to say, the real world caught up with me a long time ago and I ran out of time/motivation to update the blog, so it sat stagnant for several years. I’ve finally gotten around to replacing the old and unmaintained blogging software with a static generator, so the blog is now just plain static pages. The process was kind of hacky -- fe