▽memoranda personalia ●12/22 16:02 Last modified: 2024-12-21 21:12:00 (Asia/Tokyo)Saturday, 21st of December 2024玉子焼き。原稿の続き。苦戦中。昼はペペロンチーニを作る。ちょっと水分が足りなかったので、あとお玉1杯のゆで汁を加えたらよかった。午後はいつにも増して眠い。少し気温が上がっているせいか。夕方ジム。ショルダープレスを頑張っている。夕食は珍しくフィレのカツレツ。久しぶりに食べるとやはりうまい。
▽Leiter Reports ●12/22 05:07 Philosophy in the News (7092)Philosophy Updates (1728)In Memoriam: Graciela de Pierris (1950-2024)Professor de Pierris, a specialist in the history of early modern philosophy, probably best-known for her work on Hume, died in August. She had taught at Stanford for more than twenty years, and before that at Indiana University at Bloomington and the University of Illinois at Chicago. The Stanf
▽Philosophy of Science Association ●12/21 21:41 PSA Around the World 2025Past & Future ConferencesPast & Future ConferencesPSA 2024PSA Around the World 2025Past & Future ConferencesPast & Future ConferencesPSA 2024PSA Around the World 2025Call for abstracts now open