▽radiumsoftware ●03/16 17:52 TẤT CẢ 78TRẬN HOT23H〓M NAY68〓ANG 〓〓31A LEAGUE6'Perth GloryWestern Sydneyblv:TẠ BI〓N GIỚIBLV C〓BLV CRISBLV TAPAFC U20W C45'Australia U20(w)South Korea Women U20blv:BLV A T〓IBLV ENZOBLV HOPEViệtNameGIẢI HẠNG NH〓 H〓N QUỐC62'LIVEGyeongnam FC1-2Chungnam AsanXEM NGAYblv:BLV EDWARDGIẢI NGOẠI HẠNG TRUNG QUỐC62'LIVEChongqing Tongliangloong FC1-1Heilongjiang Lava SpringXEM
▽NeHe Productions: Main Page ●02/28 01:39 HOME TWITTER FACEBOOK RSS ATOM FORUM HOW I MADE MARIO KART 7 ENGINE IN OPENGL OVER THE WEEKEND by gregsidelnikov, posted at May 7, 2017, 6:02 p.m. Actually, this post is not about how I made MK7 in OpenGL, but what the results were. I am currently porting it to WebGL as well. The level design geometry is so simple, that it might work in 4K. But we’ll see. Go to this link to arrive at WebGL tutoria
▽lucille 開発日記 ●02/08 16:25 Not found The requested URL /~syoyo/lucille/blog/was not found on this server.
▽NVIDIA Developer Home ●08/24 10:00 NVIDIA Developer Site is under going maintenance. The site will be back by shortly. We apologize for any inconvenience. For technical questions, find answers and engage on our forums: devtalk.nvidia.com While you are waiting checkout the latest CUDA Blog at : devblogs.nvidia.com You may find driver downloads and other product information at nvidia.com
▽t-pot ●12/29 05:18 Techniques for Purchasing my Own Treasures PROGRAMMING BLOG LINKS ABOUT TOP 最近の更新 / Latest Headlines 2015 May 27 : アルファブレンディングの調査 [survey of alpha blending] 2014 Nov. 4 : WebGL: 物理ベースレンダリング [WebGL: Physically Based Rendering ] 2014 Sep. 27 : WebGL: トーンマッピング [WebGL: Tone-mapping ] 出版物 / Publications ゲームエンジン・アーキテクチャ 第2版 価格: 6,800円+税 著者: ジェイソン・グレゴリー 訳者:大貫 宏美、田中 幸 監修:今給黎 隆、湊 和久 発売日: 2015年3月30日 版形: 大型判