▽Jon’s Radio ●09/17 01:22 Not Found The requested URL /udell/ was not found on this server.
▽Aaron Swartz: The Weblog ●11/02 00:29 What Happens in The Dark Knight Spoilers, obviously. As we’ve discussed, in Batman Begins 1960s-style full employment and antipoverty programs lead to skyrocketing crime while in The Dark Knight Rises 1980s-style tough-on-crime policies and neoliberal economics lead to a revolt of the economic underclass. The films are mirror images, one about the failure of liberal policies; the other about
▽raelity bytes ●07/26 08:09 Apache/2.2.22 Server at www.raelity.org Port 80
▽William Gibson ●06/16 12:44 Server Error 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.