▽MAEDASTUDIO ●04/12 23:54 90s Site2023While working in venture capital at Kleiner Perkins in Silicon Valley, I became a fan of startups and launched the #DesignInTech Report to share emerging insights at the crossroads of tech, design, and business. I started out as an engineer, then moved to art / design, then to scientific research / leading, and then into business / tech / investing. Now I’m deep in product / technolo
▽博報堂生活総合研究所 ●04/09 14:04 ドメインが無効な状態です。「 www.athill.com 」のページは、ドメインが無効な状態です。ウェブサイト管理者の方はこちらから変更・更新を行ってください。「 www.athill.com 」is Expired or Suspended. The WHOIS is here.
▽blog.ludicmind.net ●03/15 17:44 ハリー AlmaLinux Test PageThis page is used to test the proper operation of the HTTP server after it has been installed. If you can read this page, it means that the HTTP server installed at this site is working properly.If you are a member of the general public:The fact that you are seeing this page indicates that the website you just visited is either experiencing problems, or is undergoing routine