▽Matt Rognlie ●09/02 06:06 I am an assistant professor of economics at Northwestern (currently on leave), a senior research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and a faculty research fellow of the NBER. My research focuses on macroeconomics, inequality, and international economics.Please see my research page for a collection of my published and working papers, or my CV, research statement, and Google Scho
▽Environmental Economics ●08/25 04:37 August 22, 2024New working paper: "Review of Contingent Valuation of Environmental Goods: A Comprehensive Critique. Edited by Daniel McFadden and Kenneth Train (2017): An Update"Review of Contingent Valuation of Environmental Goods: A Comprehensive Critique. Edited by Daniel McFadden and Kenneth Train (2017): An UpdateJohn C. WhiteheadNo 24-17, Working Papers from Department of Economics, Appa
▽isologue - by 磯崎哲也事務所 ●08/13 00:53 フェムトマガジン(第799号) 2024年上半期+αの総集編投稿日時: 2024年8月12日 投稿者: admin━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━フェムトマガジン(元isologue)2024.08.12(第799号)━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■2024年上半期+αの総集編━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━今週は、今年上半期〜8月上旬までの記事を一覧する「総集編」をお届けします。2024年前半は、毎年定点観測している、上場までの資本政策VCはいかに株式を売却するか?の他、GP主導の継続ファンド(GP-led continuation fund )アストロスケールの優先株式を取り上げました。いつもと同様、これらは法令・税務や投資判断の助言を行うことを目的
▽Grasping Reality with Both Hands: The Semi-Daily Journal of Economist Brad DeLong ●07/27 00:00 BRIEFLY NOTED: For 2021-05-11 TuThings that went whizzing by that I want to remember...First:Here we see a striking difference between Paul Krugman and Larry Summers. Krugman sees models as intuition pumps—and believes strongly, very strongly, that if you cannot make a simple model of it, it is probably wrong. Summers believes that our models are, at best, filing systems (and at worst tools for