▽SNMP Informant - News ●03/16 12:00 March 15, 2010 2010.1 NOW AVAILABLE! We know it’s been awhile, but we assure you it will have been worth the wait! SNMP Informant has seen a MAJOR upgrade in both performance and functionality. We’ve added support for Forefront Server, WSUS and enhanced our Citrix and Hyper-V support. But that’s not the BIG NEWS!! We’ve added USER DEFINABLE OID FUNCTIONALITY!
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▽StartupScanner ●06/27 19:06 スタートアッププログラムの改変・変更を徹底的に調べる Gone The requested resource /soft/startupscanner/startupscanner.htm is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.