▽仮想制度研究所 VCASI ●07/19 04:07 Masahiko Aoki etc In short, our values are the main mechanism we use to initiate an evaluation of desires. Action/value inconsistency can signal the need to initiate normative criticism and evaluation of both the first-order desires and the values themselves. Values thus provide an impetus for the possible restructuring of the architecture of desires. They are what allow human rationality to be a broad rationality
▽Economics and Politics - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com ●06/30 14:43 which should make no difference in the small-open-economy approach they claim to be following, but somehow becomes a huge growth factor in their analysis. Matt O’Brien follows up, among other things, on my point about leprechaun economics: If your claim is that tax cuts will induce huge inflows of forei