▽em records ●02/02 04:20 EM Records南大阪を拠点に活動するレコード・レーベルです。メニュー コンテンツへスキップTop PageShop for JapanShop for World Wide (English)Bandcampエム・レコードは1998年に誕生した南大阪を拠点に活動する音楽レーベルです。EM Records is an independent record label based in the southern part of the city of Osaka, Japan, established in 1998. We’ve produced 220+ border-crossing releases in genres including/combining experimental, electronic, jazz, blues, classical musi
▽F.M.N. japanese home ●01/08 10:54 FMN SOUND FACTORY〓〓¥µ¥〓¥〓〓〓°〓²¼〓〓°〓〓〓±〓〓·〓〓〓〓〓·〓〓〓·〓〓〓£〓〓¼〓〓〓〓〓〓¹〓¬〓¢¥〓¥〓¥〓〓¢¥〓¥〓¥〓¥〓〓¼¥〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓¹¹〓〓〓〓´〓〓〓〓×〓·〓〓〓¹〓£http://news.fmn.main.jp/
▽EMANEM home page ●12/14 20:26 This web site is no longer accepting new orders.We are sorry to inform you that Martin passed away in early December 2023.We are doing our best to contact anyone with outstanding orders and either post or refund them.We hope to transfer the CD stock so it is available again, but this will take time to organise.If you knew Martin, or the records and CDs he helped put out, please celebrate his l