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  1. 2024/12/28 09:03:25 ISU Figure Skating Forum
  2. 2024/12/28 08:21:09 FSU
  3. 2024/12/28 07:41:36 Golden Skate
  4. 2024/12/27 08:56:18 Mariposa School Of Skating - National Training Centre
  5. 2024/12/26 06:44:11 Stars on Ice Canada, Live and in Colour
  6. 2024/12/18 08:31:11 simcoe.com - Sports and Recreation
  7. 2024/12/16 13:36:45 TSN : FIGURESKATING
  8. 2024/12/14 12:15:22 Skate Canada
  9. 2024/12/14 05:36:57 Welcome to Skate Today!
  10. 2024/12/12 17:10:00 Christopher Mabee - The Official Site
  11. 2024/11/21 15:55:01 SLAM! Sports - Figure Skating
  12. 2024/11/14 00:18:52 Emanuel Sandhu Fan Blog エマニュエル・サンデュ公認 ファンブログ(英語/日本語)
  13. 2024/08/30 16:33:26 Stars on Ice | Home
  14. 2024/03/01 23:13:21 A N D R E I - G R I A Z E V . C O M
  15. 2024/02/05 10:52:10 The Halifax Chronicles
  16. 2023/09/25 07:34:01 Buttle Buddies | Jeff Buttle’s Official Fan Club
  17. 2023/06/14 17:38:47 Jeffrey Buttle - Official Website
  18. 2023/04/25 11:12:21 CBC.ca Sports - Figure Skating
  19. 2023/03/28 11:39:50 Training Blog(Jeff buttle)
  20. 2023/03/18 20:30:28 IFSmagazine
  21. 2022/12/10 17:55:44 The Inside Edge
  22. 2022/02/18 19:38:39 Skate Canada Northern Ontario
  23. 2021/10/16 08:26:22 icenetwork.com: canada
  24. 2021/10/16 07:28:09 icenetwork.com: News
  25. 2020/08/03 18:47:04 Shawn Sawyer ~ Official Web Site
  26. 2020/01/14 04:24:41 Skate Canada Newfoundland and Labrador
  27. 2019/01/24 19:24:40 Lifeskate: Figure skating, skating news, videos, competition results, boots and blades
  28. 2019/01/01 22:52:29 Patrick Chan’s Official Website
  29. 2018/08/25 23:02:51 Official Homepage Stephane Lambiel
  30. 2018/01/03 14:08:09 ..:: MICHAL BREZINA OFFICIAL SITE ::..
  31. 2017/05/04 05:51:25 Jeff Buttle.com
  32. 2010/10/12 02:39:14 SkateWeb