▽Neko’s valhalla ●08/31 13:27 忍者アフィリエイト Welcome to Neko’s valhalla main entrance! Do you know kigurumi? Kigurumi is a kind of costume which covers whole body from the top of head to toes. Most of them are modeled on charactors from anime or games. There are many kigurumi live shows in Japan and we can meet very cute kigurumi girls there. I had desired to wear them so long time, but finally I managed to get kigurumi a few years
▽Kigurumi Cafe ●07/30 13:39 〓好!此域名正在出售中,如有意〓〓,〓〓系我。 我的〓箱: 32681294@qq.com 我的QQ: 32681294 Hi! This domain name is on sale. If you want it, you could contact me by email. My email is 32681294@qq.com I will answer you in 2 days. Sometimes, I could not answer you because your email can not get my answer. Then, please cantact with me on your other normal email.