▽Welcome to SIPRI — www.sipri.org ●03/12 22:25 スウェーデン ストックホルム国際平和研究所 英語 New SIPRI data on international arms transfers10 March 2025Ukraine the world’s biggest arms importer; United States’ dominance of global arms exports grows as Russian exports continue to fallMEDIA
▽Stanford News ●03/12 16:57 米国 スタンフォード大 新着 Stanford researchers team up with student-athletes to unlock peak performanceWu Tsai Human Performance Alliance scientists and Cardinal athletes are working together to apply cutting-edge research to real-world sports performance – yielding insights that advance both fields.Scientists create way to document non-cancerous cells’ influence on cancerHealth & MedicineSurvey indicates work-from-hom