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▽20 Scary Old School Surgical Tools - Surgical Technologist ●01/22 20:30 medical by ‘Bagel Head’ Saline Injections are the New Trend Chin Surgery Spikes in Popularity British Man Rebuilds Skull With Belly Fat Doctor Accused of Two Penis Amputations Following Botched Operations Model Arrested After Italian Police Discover Six Lbs. of Coke In Her Fake Boobs Smoking Can Make Your Nipples Fall Off Breast Slapping Considered an Alternative to Plastic Surgery Doctor Sued Over Involu
▽DragonBear History: Medieval Missives & Letter Writing ●02/07 00:54 letters Medieval Missives: Aids to Letter-Writing Caryl de Trecesson This is a compilation of openings and closings from medieval manuscripts to assist you in your letter-writing. They include public exhortations, private love letters, a Valentine, letters from kings and letters from servants. I hope you will find something of interest here. Please note that the links to the full texts will take you outsi