▽TIM Labs ●11/16 12:31 2024.11.14Kaigi on Rails 2024 に参加しました (Re: conference-app に型をつけてみた)#Kaigi on Rails#rbs#RBS::Inline#ruby#Ruby on Rails#typingruby (47)rbs (15)
▽ journal.stuffwithstuff.com ●11/11 16:57 in places in code where two types are involved. The main place is assignment.You have an expression of type A and you assign the result to a variable withtype B. Is that assignment allowed?values passed to the function are bound to their corresponding parameters.requires some type B and a value of some type A. What are the types A and Berror is “I expected a value of this type but you gave me
▽Baby Steps ●11/09 02:25 5 November 2024MinPin: yet another pin proposalThis post floats a variation of boats’ UnpinCell proposal that I’m calling MinPin.1 MinPin’s goal is to integrate Pin into the language in a “minimally disruptive” way2 – and in particular a way that is fully backwards compatible. Unlike Overwrite, MinPin does not attempt to make Pin and &mut “play nicely” together. It does however leave the door op