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  1. 2024/12/22 11:47:48 Biometrika -- Table of Contents (June 2006, 93 [2])
  2. 2024/12/21 06:19:23 ScienceDirect - Journal of Multivariate Analysis - List of Issues
  3. 2024/12/13 01:19:48 日本統計学会 What’s new
  4. 2024/12/04 13:55:20 Cognitive Systems Laboratory
  5. 2024/01/03 17:38:19 Neural Networks
  6. 2014/05/13 03:40:27 Biometrika
  7. 2012/11/05 15:47:39 The Behaviormetric Society of Japan
  8. 2009/01/22 23:23:36 List of Volumes: JJSS
  9. 2008/12/24 14:35:01 Statistical Sinica
  10. 2007/03/30 11:38:54 UAI - Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence