▽ IREvalEtAl ●04/25 10:05 William Webber ConsultingWilliam Webber, Ph.D. (UMelb)william@williamwebber.com+61 (0)418 532 084Dr. William Webber offers consulting services with software vendors, service providers, system integrators, and end-users on development, process control, and statistical validation of e-discovery, information retrieval, and text analysis technologies.He has a deca
▽佐藤一郎: Web日記 (2010年) ●04/03 23:57 ご訪問いただいたお客様へのお知らせInformation for customers visiting this Web site from SpinNetアクセスいただいたWebサービスは提供を終了いたしました。長年にわたり、多くの皆様にご利用いただきましたことを心よりお礼申し上げます。SpinNetトップページへThe Web service you are trying to access has been terminated.We would like to thank all of you for your patronage over the years.Go to the SpinNet〓2024 SoftBank Corp. All Rights Reserved.