▽Fangoria ●12/15 01:17 Warning: require(/homepages/15/d316898173/htdocs/new/wp-includes/admin-bar.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/15/d316898173/htdocs/new/wp-settings.php on line 209
▽Welcome To Twitch. Spreading the News On Strange Little Films From Around the World. ●08/04 09:14 Fantasia Coverage Festival News Weird Reviews Festival Reviews Festival Videos How ScreenAnarchy Works 2016-08-03T17:00:30Z by Todd Brown Grab Your Board And Head To The GAZA SURF CLUB While there may only be a brief teaser available for Philip Gnadt's Gaza Surf Club it is one hell of a tease. Gnadt's film explores the surfing community in one of the world's least likely surfing destin
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