▽くるり on WEB ●06/16 01:47 MEDIA6/15 UP! 2014.6.15EXシアターTVでくるりのLIVEがON AIR!!
▽Foundphotos ●02/13 09:10 Deprecated: Function mysql_db_query() is deprecated in /home/foundphotos/foundphotos.net/navigation.php on line 8 Deprecated: mysql_db_query() [function.mysql-db-query]: This function is deprecated; use mysql_query() instead in /home/foundphotos/foundphotos.net/navigation.php on line 8 Deprecated: Function mysql_db_query() is deprecated in /home/foundphotos/foundphotos.net/navigation.php on line 2
▽HiBi ●04/15 20:07 この動画は現在再生できません。 閉じる [x] Video ID:__video_id__ Dimensions:__video_element_width__ x __video_element_height__ Resolution:__video_width__ x __video_height__ Volume:__volume__% Stream Type:__stream_type__ Mime Type:__mime__ DASH:__dash__ DRM:__drm_flavor__ / __drm_key_system__ Decoded FramesDropped FramesParsed FramesPresented Frames __decoded_frames____dropped_frames____parsed_frames____presented_fra
▽Airside ●10/02 02:13 Fred has set up a new venture called Fred & Company, dedicated to artistic and interactive projects. He has just completed an audio-visual installation for La Gaite Lyrique, France’s gallery of digital arts. His musical alter ego Frank Eddie’s debut album is out now and is accompanied by a series of short films recently premiered by Channel 4. Nat is now Co-Director of Design at The RSA, findi