▽Junk Charts ●12/03 04:32 the wtf momentDec 02, 2024You're reading some article that contains a standard chart. You're busy looking for the author's message on the chart. And then, the wtf moment strikes.It's the moment when you discover that the chart designer has done something unexpected, something that changes how you should read the chart. It's when you learn that time is running right to left, for example. It's wh
▽Econbrowser ●12/02 10:04 Ruble Devaluation Giveth and Devaluation Taketh AwayConsider the ruble/yuan exchange rate.Continue reading →This entry was posted on December 1, 2024 by Menzie Chinn.Wages Nominal and Real across the DistributionReader Michael writes:…high income wage growth has grown much faster than medium and low income wage growth patterns.Continue reading →This entry was posted on December 1, 2024 by
▽Computational Complexity ●12/02 08:34 Sunday, December 01, 2024Conway's Trick for Divisibility. Asking its complexity is an odd question.(I got this material from a nice article by Arthur Benjamin here.)Conway suggested the following trick to determine if a number is divisible by each of the following:2,3,5,7,11,17,19,31Note that\( 152=2^3\times 19\)\(153 =3^2 \times 17\)\(154=2 \times 7 \times 11\)\(155=5 \times 31\)\(156=