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▽おもしろまにあっくす ●06/21 14:23 ▼ スポンサーサイト上記の広告は1ヶ月以上更新のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消せます。スポンサー広告 一覧 (-)FC2AdBenri-navi by myhurt Template by FC2ブログのテンプレート工房
▽Party Ben ●06/13 22:49 Despite all reports to the contrary. Even though an appendectomy is a pretty in-and-out procedure these days, once you have one, you can't help but ruminate on the fact that 100-ish years ago, a doctor would have given you a radium laxative and a sack of leeches and sent you home to die. Science: it's good, and makes things better! Now, given this gift of life, have I turned over a new leaf, aban