▽ SECO ●08/10 10:05 2012.1.26 木WEHERENOWPERFORMER-SECRET LIVE GUEST(pets recordings / Berlin)*The name will be revealed about a week prior to the event.-Aosawa(freerange tokyo / Redbox / Tokyo)-Chris Akira(WEHERENOW / Tokyo)-DJ Tomo(WEHERENOW / Tokyo)VJ: DaikiOPEN20:00ENTRANCEDoor : 2,000yenW/F : 1,500yenGENRETECHNO/HOUSE数多くのイベントがひしめき合うここ東京、その渦の中でWE HERE NOW は2012年1月26日、Seco bar からスタートする。本当の意味で個々を
▽dextro ●06/13 01:55 Video_64 seen from top and from the side. Part II of ongoing experiments with splitting videos along the axes perpendicular to the time axis.Video_64 is an invitation into one's subconscious mind. It is currently the most popular Dextro.org video.Video_67B is part II of a visualisation of "an opposition" by Dutch composer Martijn Tellinga. It was shown at this year's Diagonale film festival in G