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  1. 2024/12/23 00:50:56 InfoDesign: Understanding by Design - News
  2. 2024/12/21 14:52:53 - A site about HCI, Usability, UI Design, User Experience, Information Architecture and more..
  3. 2024/12/20 10:48:43 Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Design
  4. 2024/12/14 17:31:53 Wired News:
  5. 2024/12/04 17:39:00 Don Norman’s / user advocacy and human-centered design
  6. 2024/09/06 09:15:56 Stopdesign
  7. 2024/01/02 02:59:37 IIT Institute of Design
  8. 2021/10/01 05:44:10 Jesse James Garrett:
  9. 2021/09/23 20:15:06 news
  10. 2020/09/26 23:30:21 Blogs | Channel 10
  11. 2020/06/17 12:07:51 GraphicDesignBar:Design Forum
  12. 2019/12/20 04:38:26 Creating Passionate Users
  13. 2019/04/26 02:12:52 iinnovate: a podcast about innovation and entrepreneurship
  14. 2018/08/25 22:39:07 BBC NEWS | News Front Page
  15. 2018/01/17 22:38:24 information aesthetics - data visualization & visual design
  16. 2014/12/16 06:06:00 industrial design courses ? designboom
  17. 2014/03/01 06:10:47 what’s in rebecca’s pocket?
  18. 2010/08/26 04:17:24 Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters
  19. 2009/07/06 01:15:25 Maeda’s SIMPLICITY