▽Welcome! - The Apache Software Foundation ●12/20 21:04 ASF Plus One Newsletter: December 2024CISA Tabletop Exercise Tests Open Source Security Response ProceduresThe Changing Tech Landscape: Keynotes at Community Over Code Emphasize Open Source’s Vital RoleUIMASyncopeDirectoryUIMAFramework and annotators for unstructured information analysisSyncopeManaging digital identities in enterprise environmentsDirectoryApache Directory ServerSeataN
▽Ruby on Rails ●12/17 17:39 [New Getting Started Tutorial] Build an e-commerce app with Rails 8.
▽The Seasar Project ●12/16 02:56 〓 Copyright The Seasar Foundation and the others 2004-2016, all rights reserved. The Seasar Project. 当サイトの運用には 法政大学情報科学部 のご協力をいただいております。
▽MySQL AB :: The world’s most popular open source database ●12/14 01:36 Navigating Compliance: Leveraging MySQL Enterprise Edition to Mitigate Data Risk in Financial Services - EuropeModernize your Financial Services with MySQL EnterpriseOn-DemandMySQL High Availability, Scalability and Disaster Recovery