▽Apache Ant - Welcome ●08/31 15:39 Apache Ant 1.10.15August 29, 2024 - Apache Ant 1.10.15 ReleasedApache Ant 1.10.15 is now available for download from https://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi.Ant 1.10.15 is a regular bug fix release and can be used with Java runtime version 8 and higher, including the current latest version Java 22.
▽SLF4J News ●08/11 02:25 2024-08-10 - Release of SLF4J 2.0.16• The information about the provider LoggerFactory connected with will now be reported using the level DEBUG and will not be printed by default.• A bit-wise identical binary of this version can be reproduced by building from source code at commit 101086ba359a6a80f275ad090f57d74a34eee8ca associated with the tag v_2.0.16. Release built using Ja
▽Java SE - Downloads | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle ●07/20 23:56 Java SE 16.0.2 is the latest release for the Java SE Platform Java SE 11.0.12 is the latest release for the Java SE 11 Platform Java SE 8u301 is the latest release for the Java SE 8 Platform.