▽自転車のちジョグときどき・・・ ●07/26 05:37 We are currently experiencing an outage that affects Garmin.com and Garmin Connect. This outage also affects our call centers, and we are currently unable to receive any calls, emails or online chats. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and apologize for this inconvenience. Click here for more details.
▽Road in New York ●05/23 15:15 価値のない車と家の税金が高過ぎる 〓その日暮らし〓 【化石】未だにTSUTAYAでCD借りてパソコンに落としてるやついる? Sound Field 義弟嫁「実は子供は托卵」 私「えっ」 義弟嫁「誰にも言わないでね」 → 言った結果… にゅーれす