▽TechCrunch Japan ●09/15 22:07 CryptoA walk through the crypto jungle at Korea Blockchain WeekKate Park2 hours agoBlockchain technology is all about decentralization and virtualization. So it’s a little ironic that humans love to come together in person at big blockchain events. Such was the case last…16 hours ago17 hours ago17 hours ago18 hours ago18 hours ago19 hours ago20 hours ago21 hours agoSoundiiz is a free
▽EVANGELION.CO.JP ●08/07 13:58 シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版Blu-ray &anp; DVDStaffMusic配信Blu-ray&DVDシン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版EVANGELION:3.0+1.11THRICE UPON A TIME好評発売中【初回限定版】(Blu-ray+4K Ultra HD Blu-ray)収録 :3枚組Blu-ray 2枚(DISC1:本編収録/DISC2:特典映像収録)+ UHD 1 枚(本編収録)特典映像 :<新作特典映像>「EVANGELION:3.0(-46h)」、「Rebuild of EVANGELION:3.0+1.11」、「EVANGELION:3.0(-120min.)」<特典映像>特報、予告、TV SPOT、追告、「『Q:3.333』版予告・改」、「SNS版 Promotion Reel」、「Character Promotion R