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  1. 2024/12/05 02:38:51 Machinations - Developing a Real Time Strategy Game
  2. 2024/12/05 01:55:04 ATI Developer: News
  3. 2024/12/05 01:54:24 OpenSceneGraph - the high peformance open source graphicstoolkit
  4. 2024/12/05 00:58:51 generation5 - At the forefront of Artificial Intelligence
  5. 2024/12/05 00:47:52 COLLADA ~
  6. 2024/12/04 07:38:24 ATI Developer: Tools
  7. 2024/11/29 19:48:47 Visual Studio: Visual Studio 2005 SDK Beta
  8. 2024/11/28 06:16:18 IGDA - AI SIG
  9. 2024/11/27 11:51:32 OpenGL - The Industry Standard for High Performance Graphics
  10. 2024/11/22 00:49:52 Guardian Unlimited Gamesblog
  11. 2024/11/14 13:44:43 ShaderTech - GPU Programming
  12. 2024/11/04 07:53:13 Phoenix - Home
  13. 2024/10/16 17:30:05 OGRE :: Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
  14. 2024/10/11 09:53:11 Nutty’s OpenGL Site.
  15. 2024/10/02 02:11:08 Game Research and Technology
  16. 2024/10/01 10:54:23 Steering Behaviors For Autonomous Characters
  17. 2024/09/27 05:12:57 Kang Su’s Blog
  18. 2024/07/30 14:04:44 Gamewag
  19. 2024/07/04 20:21:58 Irrlicht Engine - A free open source 3d engine
  20. 2024/06/20 06:51:43 MSDN Magazine: Home
  21. 2024/04/18 05:11:26 robertwrose.com
  22. 2024/04/13 21:30:34 MSDN Online - DirectX Developer Center
  23. 2024/01/28 06:26:16 Free Programming Resources, freeprogrammingresources.com
  24. 2024/01/14 23:52:37 PathEngine home
  25. 2024/01/05 17:52:30 COLLADA public_forum
  26. 2024/01/03 21:27:03 dsource.org - home
  27. 2024/01/03 10:03:36 Collada
  28. 2023/07/23 01:28:48 Si Brown - Homepage
  29. 2023/07/19 07:06:23 GameTutorials - Game programming with a personality
  30. 2023/01/07 00:00:55 OpenGL Shader Designer
  31. 2022/07/13 08:41:22 CALL FOR PAPERS
  32. 2022/05/17 05:10:11 OpenRM - News Page
  33. 2022/03/09 10:49:58 3Ddrome - 3D graphics and game news and articles
  34. 2022/02/06 23:15:40 Journal of Game Development
  35. 2022/02/03 06:40:05 CodeSampler.com
  36. 2021/10/07 11:49:01 naturewizard.com
  37. 2021/09/30 01:47:42 OpenGL® Extension Registry
  38. 2021/09/28 21:53:32 ORTS - A Free Software RTS Game Framework
  39. 2021/09/10 08:34:46 www.imagelib.org - DevIL - A full featured cross-platform Image Library
  40. 2021/08/04 01:28:39 Elephant IDE
  41. 2021/03/13 19:27:24 Devlib Central
  42. 2020/09/14 20:00:28 Elf-Stone.com :: News
  43. 2020/06/25 12:48:04 AIWisdom.com - Game Articles & Research
  44. 2020/06/16 11:33:24 Grand Challenge Home
  45. 2020/02/28 01:39:31 NeHe Productions: Main Page
  46. 2019/12/11 05:48:52 OpenGL@Lighthouse 3D - A Resource for Programmers
  47. 2019/12/07 07:51:24 APRON TUTORIALS
  48. 2019/05/18 01:58:49 Paul’s Projects
  49. 2019/02/02 06:13:56 Ultimate Game Programming - Virtual Perfection
  50. 2019/01/17 10:42:32 AAAI-04 Workshop on Challenges in Game AI
  51. 2018/07/04 15:02:06 GPGPU
  52. 2018/03/24 12:04:55 DevMaster.net - Your source for game development
  53. 2017/08/24 10:00:17 NVIDIA Developer Web Site
  54. 2014/05/08 14:22:07 game|tech summit and seminars
  55. 2014/01/18 08:43:35 SCEA Research and Development
  56. 2014/01/01 16:59:17 flipcode - Development News
  57. 2013/10/01 22:55:57 Aaron Lefohn’s Publications
  58. 2013/04/18 12:12:43 Nitrogen
  59. 2010/08/13 23:19:38 The Khronos Group: Open Standards, Royalty Free, Dynamic Media APIs
  60. 2009/07/05 17:58:43 Game Architect
  61. 2009/06/09 04:55:15 Excalibur - Home Page
  62. 2008/10/04 22:48:34 Michael Haller
  63. 2008/07/06 21:55:20 Humus
  64. 2007/04/24 21:51:42 welcome to the Virtual Terrain Project
  65. 2007/03/12 03:33:30 Beyond3D - Which was nice.
  66. 2006/01/15 18:08:58 ICAPS 2005
  67. 2005/12/27 09:29:39 AI Center - GDC 2004 Roundtable
  68. 2005/02/23 09:50:38 MultiAgent.com: Top
  69. 2004/12/17 06:07:21 humus