▽SIGPARSE Home ●06/23 04:10 Toggle navigation SIGPARSEHomeMeetingsPublicationsRegistrationAboutACL SIGPARSESpecial interest group on natural language parsingSIGPARSE is the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Parsing of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). The group consists of about 200 researchers with research interests in various aspects of parsing natural language and computatioinal models
▽SIGPARSE Home ●06/23 03:10 Toggle navigation SIGPARSEHomeMeetingsPublicationsRegistrationAboutACL SIGPARSESpecial interest group on natural language parsingSIGPARSE is the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Parsing of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). The group consists of about 200 researchers with research interests in various aspects of parsing natural language and computatioinal models
▽時の羅針盤@blog ●05/29 14:19 2024-05-27cond-expand enchancementWhen I'm writing a library or tools, I usually write them working on the current release version of Sagittarius, unless R6RS portable one. However, I often want to use the development branch version of the features as well, especially with the new procedures.Since R7RS, cond-expand has the library clause, which checks if the library specified in the clause exis
▽Colorless Green Ideas ●05/26 17:48 テキスト生成AIに漢文訓読を行わせるためのプロンプトテキスト生成AIに漢文訓読を行わせるには、原漢文と訓読文のペア例を含むプロンプトを与えると良い。GPT-4o や Claude 3 Opus といった能力の高いAIであれば、それなりの品質の訓読文を生成する。