▽RD-Styleなモーニング娘。TV番組表 ●01/22 14:21 Warning: pg_connect() [function.pg-connect]: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "rdxnet" in /virtual/rdxnet/public_html/index.php on line 22 ERROR: DB Connect failed. VALUE-DOMAINならドメインが年990円!、サーバーが年2400円! . Warning: pg_connect() [function.pg-connect]: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: password authentication failed for use
▽枡野浩一の近況 ●01/21 06:52 Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user ’howy’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) in /virtual/howy/public_html/Connections/connKinkyo.php on line 9 Fatal error: Access denied for user ’howy’@’localhost’ (using password: YES) in /virtual/howy/public_html/Connections/connKinkyo.php on line 9