▽InterPARES 2 Project: ●04/11 22:23 InterPARES 2: Experiential, Interactive and Dynamic Records The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) has granted a second phase of the InterPARES Project. InterPARES 2: Experiential, Interactive and Dynamic Records began on January 1, 2002 and will continue until December 31, 2006. Although based on the findings of the original InterPARES Project, InterPARES 2 is drama
▽Kulturarw_eng ●04/06 02:11 Information om katalogisering, klassifikation, auktoritetsarbete och Svenska 〓mnesord finns numera p〓 underwebben Katalogisat〓rens verktygsl〓da.
▽DATABASE OF VIRTUAL ART ●02/22 01:16 Gone The requested resource /common/recentWork.do is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.
▽IRIS Research: Virtual Remote Control ●11/26 11:17 This funded project has ended, and this web site is no longer active or being updated. It is being retained for historical purposes only. Links to published papers describing the background of this project appear at the bottom of the VRC home page.