RiOwl Antenna / RiOwl Blog

すべて | Digital Preservation | Digital Library | Information Service | Library Affair

  1. 2024/12/05 01:47:44 Xena - XML Electronic Normalising of Archives
  2. 2024/12/04 22:17:38 DigiCULT
  3. 2024/12/04 20:03:45 NISO - National Information Standards Organization
  4. 2024/12/04 19:54:57 MINERVA: Mapping the Internet Electronic Resources Virtual Archive (Library of Congress)
  5. 2024/12/04 13:20:45 ICANN
  6. 2024/12/04 13:04:43 CDL: News & Publications
  7. 2024/12/03 22:44:40 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)
  8. 2024/12/03 07:49:01 LIFE: Life Cycle Information for E-Literature.
  9. 2024/12/02 21:29:25 CISD: Data Preservation Program
  10. 2024/11/30 00:51:14 Netarchive - 2nd phase
  11. 2024/11/29 07:48:20 IIPC
  12. 2024/11/29 00:36:58 Documenting Internet2: Project Home
  13. 2024/11/23 00:43:48 Scran News
  14. 2024/11/21 05:36:51 The Long Now Foundation
  15. 2024/11/16 03:45:12 The Digital Object Identifier System
  16. 2024/11/15 08:25:27 The Society for Imaging Science and Technology --The Society for Imaging Science and Technology
  17. 2024/11/13 06:41:01 The CD Information Center
  18. 2024/11/03 10:12:03 Electronic Literature Organization - PAD
  19. 2024/10/26 17:03:43 U.S. Copyright Office - NewsNet Issue 248
  20. 2024/10/22 16:55:20 Professional Links
  21. 2024/10/19 17:16:23 Cornell University Department of Preservation and Conservation
  22. 2024/10/11 04:16:32 Preservation Metadata Framework Working Group (archived) [OCLC - PREMIS: PREservation Metadata Implementation Strategies]
  23. 2024/08/08 18:53:14 PREMIS: Preservation Metadata Maintenance Activity (Library of Congress)
  24. 2024/07/05 10:51:54 UK Web Archiving Consortium: Project Overview
  25. 2024/05/01 22:25:13 Digital Libraries: Metadata Resources
  26. 2024/03/25 14:29:01 Introduction to the Handle System
  27. 2024/02/27 08:08:06 SHERPA
  28. 2024/02/23 18:38:52 CDP Project Toolbox
  29. 2024/02/10 10:36:14 Memory of the World - Proposals for projects pertaining to the cross cutting theme
  30. 2024/01/11 22:11:28 InterPARES Project:
  31. 2023/12/17 09:34:42 PrestoSpace
  32. 2023/12/09 23:43:33 Open Archives Forum - Home
  33. 2023/11/26 16:36:46 ERPANET - Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network
  34. 2023/10/29 11:54:44 CLIR News
  35. 2023/10/03 06:30:17 National Preservation Office-NPO
  36. 2023/09/11 18:29:07 CURL - Consortium of Research Libraries in the British Isles: Latest News
  37. 2023/08/21 22:29:32 PANIC
  38. 2023/06/25 19:24:00 UMIACS ADAPT Project: An Approach to Digital Archiving and Preservation technology
  39. 2023/06/25 04:24:09 PADI - What’s New?
  40. 2023/06/09 15:10:03 PAT Project
  41. 2023/04/15 16:45:11 Open eBook Forum
  42. 2023/03/27 06:00:52 First Monday
  43. 2022/11/25 02:25:47 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Digital and Preservation Services Outreach Center
  44. 2022/07/02 07:51:37 ECPA, European Commission on Preservation and Access: News and events
  45. 2022/07/02 02:52:39 ECPA, European Commission on Preservation and Access
  46. 2022/06/26 06:43:29 Occasio: Digital Social History Archive
  47. 2021/12/13 05:33:15 NDIIPP
  48. 2021/10/21 14:15:07 The Ten Thousand Year Blog (June 02003-)
  49. 2021/10/21 13:54:40 Vidipax: The Magnetic Media Restoration Company.
  50. 2021/09/20 21:27:27 The National Archives | Services for professionals | Digital preservation | UK Government Web Archive
  51. 2021/09/20 21:08:05 NDAD - UK National Digital Archive of Datasets
  52. 2021/08/24 03:49:25 Inside CDL: UC Libraries Digital Preservation Repository
  53. 2021/07/29 07:18:09 GDFR News
  54. 2021/07/29 05:35:01 JHOVE - JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment
  55. 2021/06/17 00:47:12 Edinburgh University Library: Projects: Digital Preservation - Seminar Day
  56. 2021/04/30 22:32:09 IASSIST QUARTERLY (IQ)
  57. 2021/03/29 21:01:34 nestor - Kompetenznetzwerk Langzeitarchivierung
  58. 2021/03/08 00:52:32 Initiatives: National Library of New Zealand
  59. 2021/02/19 00:23:07 UNT Libraries: CyberCemetery Home
  60. 2020/12/12 02:42:00 Virtual Data Center: HomePage
  61. 2020/10/27 03:21:38 Cedars Project
  62. 2020/08/18 06:25:26
  63. 2020/07/22 12:55:49 NINCH: The National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage
  64. 2020/05/13 21:44:54 DAVID - Digitale Archivering in Vlaamse Instellingen en Diensten
  65. 2020/05/12 19:58:32 DCC: Digital Curation Centre - News and events
  66. 2020/04/08 19:59:00 JERRI Project Page
  67. 2020/03/09 06:56:39 Conservation OnLine
  68. 2020/02/26 12:59:01 Electronic Media Group Homepage
  69. 2020/02/15 03:42:10 CAMILEON
  70. 2020/02/13 06:35:52 International Records Management Trust
  71. 2019/12/23 22:10:36 mod_oai
  72. 2019/12/07 07:40:27 RLG Goal--Digital Preservation & Ensured Long-term Access
  73. 2019/12/05 20:56:09 RLG DigiNews
  74. 2019/12/01 12:12:31 Cultivate Interactive Home Page
  75. 2019/11/19 04:16:45 ISTweb - Home Page
  76. 2019/11/08 05:37:25 The Corporation for National Research Initiatives
  77. 2019/11/07 09:28:11 Economics of Digital Preservation [OCLC - Projects]
  78. 2019/07/23 13:11:20 LOCKSS Program Home
  79. 2019/06/15 22:27:09 TAPE - Training for Audiovisual Preservation in Europe - homepage
  80. 2019/05/09 11:32:11 UKOLN
  81. 2019/04/06 17:44:16 Research Department
  82. 2019/04/01 09:00:43 Digital Library Federation Newsletters.
  83. 2019/03/03 23:50:26 Archipol - Archive of web sites of political parties in the Netherlands
  84. 2019/02/09 09:15:39 Introduction to Metadata (Getty Research Institute)
  85. 2019/01/19 04:24:53 Home CLDP Reports Project Questionnaires Links CLDP Project Members CLDP Advisory Board Contact the Project
  86. 2018/12/26 12:31:13 DSpace Federation
  87. 2018/11/30 01:58:47 Arts and Humanities Data Service
  88. 2018/11/28 00:54:02 Home : Web Archiving Strategy Project (WASP) : The University of Melbourne
  89. 2018/11/25 00:20:33 The Scholnet Project
  90. 2018/10/25 04:15:27 Digital Preservation Coalition
  91. 2018/10/17 23:36:48 Technical Information (American Memory from the Library of Congress)
  92. 2018/10/02 04:44:30 digitizationblog
  93. 2018/09/08 17:40:42 Issues in Science & TechnologyLibrarianship
  94. 2018/06/30 11:34:21 Digital Production Centre
  95. 2018/06/22 00:19:29 Information Longevity
  96. 2018/06/15 01:57:41 Australian Digital Theses Program - CAUL
  97. 2018/06/11 17:51:08 SPIRT Recordkeeping Metadata Standards Project - RCRG
  98. 2018/01/18 17:11:03 DiGA | Home
  99. 2017/12/29 19:25:38 Capturing Unstable Media
  100. 2017/12/29 18:58:38 Project EVA
  101. 2017/11/17 13:05:24
  102. 2017/10/13 12:48:29 Elpub : Digital Library : Works : Main Menu
  103. 2017/07/06 04:23:37 AOLA - Austrian On-Line Archive
  104. 2017/05/18 07:12:36 Sound Directions: Digital Audio Preservation and Access forGlobal Audio Heritage
  105. 2017/04/16 18:25:11 Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music: Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music
  106. 2017/02/26 07:46:52 ARNO Project Site - Academic Research in the Netherlands Online
  107. 2016/06/29 16:14:44 Project RoMEO
  108. 2016/04/19 20:38:55 espida. making it happen, by getting real
  109. 2015/08/27 08:26:28 Fedora
  110. 2014/10/09 16:39:48 Internet Archive
  111. 2014/04/10 11:44:32 DDQ Index
  112. 2013/12/09 19:12:17 TASI :: Technical Advisory Service for Images
  113. 2013/11/08 08:29:20 The Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA)
  114. 2013/07/22 22:34:58 MINERVA Website
  115. 2013/07/12 15:00:58 Fedora and the Preservation of University Records
  116. 2013/06/20 08:16:47 Time and Bits
  117. 2012/09/22 05:50:52 DSpace@Cambridge Home Page
  118. 2012/07/28 12:32:26 Managing and Preserving Geospatial Electronic Records - Home Page
  119. 2011/12/15 19:19:44 APSR: News
  120. 2011/03/25 14:56:17 CSTB Project: Digital Archiving and the National Archives and Records Administration
  121. 2011/03/20 12:36:09 CIDL Newsletter - Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries
  122. 2011/03/16 18:28:16 Digital Services Project
  123. 2010/08/18 04:21:21 Compound Document Formats (CDF)
  124. 2010/07/11 17:21:53 Research Intent - Institute of Computer Science
  125. 2010/03/23 20:32:06 JPEG 2000 in Archives and Libraries |
  126. 2010/03/23 20:30:49 PRESTO - Preservation Technology for European Archives
  127. 2010/02/14 10:13:38 Pandora Archive - Preserving and Accessing Networked DOcumentary Resources of Australia
  128. 2009/06/23 06:34:43 Archiving Electronic Journals
  129. 2009/05/07 12:01:00 Preservation Resources - Digital Library SunSITE
  130. 2009/05/05 12:37:26 DBC : projekt INDOREG
  131. 2009/04/11 22:23:41 InterPARES 2 Project:
  132. 2009/04/06 02:11:23 Kulturarw_eng
  133. 2009/02/22 01:16:05 DATABASE OF VIRTUAL ART
  134. 2008/11/26 11:17:37 IRIS Research: Virtual Remote Control
  135. 2008/04/23 18:33:37 METAe - Meta Data Engine
  136. 2008/04/05 00:09:24 Sun Center of Excellence for Trusted Digital Repositories
  137. 2008/03/29 12:00:14 The Xtensible Past: XML as a means for easy access to historical research data and a strategy for digital preservation (NIWI)
  138. 2008/02/17 21:46:45 The BIBLINK Project Home Page
  139. 2007/11/29 22:41:58 Perspectives In Electronic Publishing - PeP
  140. 2007/09/15 05:09:59 JoDI: Journal of Digital Information
  141. 2007/02/27 14:44:29 Archiving the Avant-Garde
  142. 2006/07/19 10:30:42 UPF Home
  143. 2005/09/09 22:19:16 Standards (The Library of Congress)
  144. 2005/08/08 18:50:53 Paradigma - Preservation of Digital Material
  145. 2005/05/18 03:30:31 Typed Object Model (TOM) at the University of Pennsylvania