▽La deconstruction des idoles ──アイドルの脱紺築 chapitre deux−中澤裕子非公認(涙)弱肉強食同好会員(嘘)のサイト− ●01/05 06:23 La déconstruction des idoles ──アイドルの脱紺築 après le 1er juin 2007 ”...nach Auschwitz ein Gedicht zu schreiben, ist barbarisch...” --- Theodor W. Adorno a site for Kamei Eri, Fujimoto Miki, Konno Asami, Nakazawa Yuko, Niigaki Risa, Michishige Sayumi, and their brilliant future. Since october 5, 2003. total visitors: NINJA TOOLS Considerations about Morning Musume. on this site. Japanese font
▽studio fkz -紺野あさ美さん応援サイト- ●11/04 22:45 Not Found The requested URL /grape/fkz/ was not found on this server.