▽Lineage Compendium ●07/24 21:32 Latest LC Spotlights: Ken Spotlight: Marak2001, TIhung, Chance; Ken Player Spotlight: T0RNADO & Waltz; Depardieu Player Spotlight: Sararion; Ken Spotlight: Camel ; LoA Spotlight: MageBoss; Depardieu Player Spotlight: Cristha02; August 17, 2003 06:43 pm ET - research by amer So long and thanks for all the cheese.. Hello Everyone.. This is likely one of the last posts that will be on LC/L2C. Running
▽Lineage Japan - リネージュジャパン ●05/07 18:42 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /~jansei/lineagejp.htm on this server.