▽押井守/Production I.G最新情報 2004年第二四半期@野良犬の塒 ●03/23 13:09 一つ上の階層のページへ戻る-Caution : This page ” NORAINU NO NEGURA (Straydog’s Nest) ” is being written only in Japanese. This page is the page that ”Drillmaster” Todome Satoshi manages it personally, and does an information offer such as Mamoru Oshii and other. This page is not an official page. Quotation of the contents of this page is forbidden. Copying and use of the material on this webpage is STRICTLY PR
▽filmforce映画ニュース ●10/14 03:24 Friday October 13, 2006 Dewan Does Nerds Actress enters Fox Atomic redo. Dallas Cast Dumped TV drama adaptation gets rebooted. Cameron Enters Sanctum Filmmaker on new 3-D flick.