▽ Paul Krugman - Op-Ed Columnist - New York Times Blog ●01/04 01:41 It will also, for technical reasons, make my life simpler — you’d be surprised how many hoops I have to go through to get these things posted. But that’s not the reason. Anyway, I expect to be doing the same sort of thing, mixing regular columns with stuff, usually wonkish, that doesn’t belong in the regular paper. Old blog posts will remain available! Over the past cou
▽New Economist ●12/22 21:20 The Programme on 窶賂lobal Economics窶〓 will focus on the connected fields of the economic and financial trends of the global economy and the mechanisms of global economic governance. The programme should develop a research agenda departing from the consequences of economic globalisation and the changing global economic order. Among the many possible themes from which such agenda can emerge are inter
▽黒木玄のウェブサイト ●10/25 18:45 このウェブサイトは以下の場所に引っ越ししました: 黒木玄のウェブサイト 黒木玄の文書置き場 これ以後はそちらのサイトを見て下さい. 内容的に古くなってしまっているのですが, 以下のデータはこの旧サイトに残しておきます: LaTeXで書かれた文書 TeX 文書 「匿名」による批判の禁止ルールについて 村上陽一郎の「微分の言い抜け」説 スペンサー・ブラウンなんていらない This web site was moved to https://genkuroki.github.io/.