▽Freakonomics ●01/05 02:07 How to Have Good IdeasSarah Stein Greenberg runs Stanford’s d.school, which teaches design as a mode of problem solving. She and Steve talk about what makes her field different from other academic disciplines, how to approach hard problems, and why brainstorms are so annoying.Pistachios (Replay)How did a little green nut become a billion-dollar product, lauded by celebrities in Super Bowl ads?
▽★パテントサロン★ 特許・知的財産情報サイト ●01/05 00:56 最終更新日時:2025年1月4日 21:44:391月4日(土)■知的財産 企業秘密ラピダスへの技術共有巡る訴訟、IBMと米半導体製造和解※関連ニュースGlobalFoundries and IBM Announce Settlement and Resolution of All Litigation MattersGlobalFoundries and IBM Announce Settlement and Resolution of All Litigation Matters※関連ニュースIBMが半導体の知財ビジネス拡大へ、ラピダスへの2nm提供で弾み(2022/12/23)グローバルファウンドリーズがIBM提訴、「ラピダスと知財不法共有」(2023/4/19)ラピダスとIBMの蜜月に横やり 米半導体製造が提訴(2023/4/20