▽Voyages: A Smithsonian Libraries Exhibition ●06/15 20:43 所蔵品によるヴァーチャル・テーマ展 Description des exp駻iences de la machine a駻ostatique de MM. De Montgolfier (Description of the experiments of the Montgolfiers〓 aerial machine . . .)
▽いかさま(インチキ)博物館 museum of hoaxes ●01/08 08:13 古今東西いかさまや悪ふざけの研究。画像集にリンクしていますがエイプリルフールの項目ではあの名作、「凶作に泣くスパゲッティ農家」が見られます。 Hoaxes Throughout History:Before 1700 Maybe it’s historically inaccurate to talk about hoaxes before 1700. After all, the word ’hoax’ only came into use during the 1700s. But if we take hoaxes to be any form of outrageous deception, then there was certainly plenty of that going on during the middle ages. The curious thing about hoaxes from this period is that they would often last for centuries be