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  1. 2024/12/02 02:27:16 Greg Restall
  2. 2024/10/22 04:27:53 INTRODUCTION TO SYMBOLIC LOGIC(Malament)
  3. 2024/08/14 08:45:53 An Introduction to Formal Logic
  4. 2022/03/03 18:25:50 Steve Awodey
  5. 2020/07/28 10:32:25 Mathematical Logic around the world
  6. 2019/04/19 20:11:52 István Németi
  7. 2018/05/24 13:15:43 Seminar on Logic(Uchii)
  8. 2017/11/29 22:57:40 Chiara, Maria Luisa Dalla
  9. 2010/03/22 20:57:06 Logic Links
  10. 2008/07/21 10:48:13 Graham Priest
  11. 2005/11/19 18:51:52 John F. Nash, Jr.