▽Journal Home - Nature Neuroscience ●01/08 07:33 Multimodal transcriptomics reveal neurogenic aging trajectories and age-related regional inflammation in the dentate gyrusMultimodal transcriptomics unveil the molecular dynamics of neural stem cells and their surrounding niche in the aging mouse hippocampus and provide a resource to understand age-related molecular changes.Yicheng WuVladyslav I. KorobeynykSebastian JessbergerResourceOpen Acc
▽外科医 Tさんの嫁にこないか 2 - livedoor Blog(ブログ) ●01/08 01:51 2025年01月07日ケン三郎の人は城人は城 人は石垣 人は堀情けは味方 仇は敵なり武田神社にてぽちっとなtetsurou0404 at 19:28|Permalink│Comments(0)│2025年01月06日ケン三郎のあけおめいつのまにか年明けてた食道がんのロボット手術見学した。いやあ、10年たつとこうも世界が変わるのかあの頃は不適切な時代だったなーぽちっとなtetsurou0404 at 21:27|Permalink│Comments(0)│ケン三郎の人は城ケン三郎のあけおめ2025年01月
▽PNAS -- Prpceedings of National Academy of Sciences ●01/07 14:22 Table Of Contents Page, PNAS Volume 121, Number 52Current IssueDecember 24, 2024vol. 121no. 52Previous issueAll IssuesNext issuePNAS December 24, 2024Special FeatureWater on the Moon and MarsIntroductionDecember 16, 2024From the CoverFinding water on the Moon and Mars: Humanity’s extraterrestrial futureMark H. Thiemens,Andreas Pack andZachary SharpADD TO READING LISTAbstractPDFPer