▽TORTOISE ●11/15 22:19 Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /home/copactic/trts.com/wp-content/plugins/instapress/instagram.php on line 306
▽Häpna/News ●10/05 10:52 October 4, 2015 The new LPs are ready to ship! Musette A Cosmic Serenade (Häpna H.53) Oren Ambarchi & Johan Berthling Tongue Tied (Häpna H.55) A string of Tape-related activities coming up! Tape Fest Tokyo, 8 & 9 October, a 2-day festival at Super Deluxe, Tokyo curated by Tape, then two concerts in Kobe (Guggenheim House) and Kyoto (Kinse Ryokan) with long-time frie